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"Hermeneutics" (2004)
(Blackened Metal)
Official publisher is
More Hate Productions
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Lyrics see below!

1. The Omen I'm In... (mp3-fragment)
2. Ein Vorzeichen Des Kommenden
3. Volkhv (mp3-fragment)
4. Journey To The Pole Of Archetypes
5. Desolate Thalweg
6. To The Abyss Of Boiling Blood
7. Mistress Of The Ferry / A V Nashego Shuma
8. Drifting Into Pessimistical Sleep (mp3-fragment)
9. Schlaff In Allem...

post scriptum

10. War (tribute to BURZUM)
11. Crystal Mountain (tribute to DEATH)
12. Brothers Of Metal (cover-version for Russian tribute to MANOWAR)

about album

Hermeneutics (gr. hermeneutike, from hermeneuo 'I explain, I interpret') is the science of texts' interpretation (chiefly ancient ones), primal meaning of which is not clear because of their antiquity or bad state of sources' preservation. One can read the definition like this in every encyclopedia. But in the context of the NORD'N'COMMANDER album (just so - Hermeneutics - the new album of the band is called) this word is acquiring additional interesting styling…
Musical aesthetics differs from the previous N'N'C blackened metal creation "Sacred Spear Aftersounds", though not so much. Folk element has practically disappeared, invading anxious wanderings of guitar-drum conglomerate with archaic melodies of flute only sometimes. But on the other hand, "industrial gnosticism" is represented greatly (in philosophical meaning, without any definite historical and stylistic parallel). Meditation keyboard interludes, sounds of battles, allusions to totalitarian marches, mysterious litanies of twilight voices flare up amid raging blackened metal like northern lights. The sense is coming that participants of the band had ecstatic desire to extend sound up to Universe and reduce it to Absolute zero simultaneously (the very Maximum that is the Minimum at the same time according to terms by Nicolaus Cusanus, the philosopher of Renaissance).
Very often one may meet an attempt to recognize harmony with ratio while interpreting different texts (it's a complex of literary and music critics). But the NORD'N'COMMANDER album is on the contrary an attempt to recognize harmony with harmony and even sometimes recognize the ratio of this world by means of harmony. Hermeneutics is not writing on paper, it's writing on Soul. Those, who could feel its compresence ardently, can try to read it. Hermeneutics is understanding Music of Notes and Music of Words, i.e. Great Harmony, which shows just with magic writing through spherical essence of a person, the true Self.
How does the comprehension of Harmony occur? It occurs by means of realizing that there is no clear border between Other world and this world. This border is created only by human mind. And that "World-out-of-time is casting shadow lines" always (the composition THE OMEN I'M IN). One can feel a sphere-staircase, which unites all worlds, gathering up all material and non-material bodies, including the In-part of a person: "The staircase between all your bodies". And then in borderline state of mind, when
In twilight there is Ritual Circle with Fire…
Bodies of flame are wallowing higher and higher…
On pupils there is reflection of Words…

Volkhv appears - the inward mage edged with a sword. He gives directions how one should live in this world, how to reach harmony between the Inside and the Outside, how to protect the Self from the aggressive attack of social stereotypes. That's why the sword appears as Volkhv's aura (the composition VOLKHV).
After these directions grand journeys, which change the In-nature of a person cardinally, are coming:
1. The journey to the pole of archetypes:
My spirit is being frozen much more,
Admiring creations of moons every Midnight.
Endless Loneness is the Altar for slaughter of doubts...

2. The journey to the desolate thalweg when you can see the traces of Weird world and acknowledge the Riverbed of your own Anima:
Beams of your destiny are symbols and spheres.
The Riverbed of Ur-Eternal Anima will destroy atoms of fears.
A trace of God stepping somewhere...
Is darkling shadow on Luna
3. The journey to Non-duality (Advaita in Hinduism), touching Great It:
We are mounting to the Abyss of boiling Blood
Through the stain, which has curdled in Space.
From the fifth heaven and lower it's too hard,
But we already see the Window where Aether is based
4. The journey to the Mistress of the Ferry, i.e. the Mistress of Death. Here your Heart is thrown into Sacred Waves for its total cleansing:
My mistress of the ferry
Is burning down the forgotten dreams
And transforming the ashes of them into my Throne.

After these four journeys the drifting into sleep begins. This sleep is pessimistical because ahead there is Absolute Obscurity - Mystery, but just this Mystery is drawing on.
I am slowly drifting into sleep, drifting into pessimism and into war.
The great war with myself which has never been before.
What is it? Reincarnation or may be breaking of life and death at all?
Trying to dismiss hesitations and follow Not-Being call.

The NORD'N'COMMANDER album is some kind of legendry about the real I that has eventually found itself in the centre of four elements. And it feels Great Sleep, definitely not in the sense that Soul has been tired and flaked out, but in the sense that now the Soul is conscious of the state of Absolute Sleep around itself. In this situation you come to conclusion that all is immobile in the world indeed. Some philosophers of antiquity talked about it (for example, Parmenides who stated that there was no motion at all and it was the illusion created by our imagination). The name of the last composition of the album is assignable to this cause - SCHLAFF IN ALLEM (germ. 'sleep in all')…
Will this Self return into this world for new deeds one day? It's unknown. However it's another story…

Reviewed by Vox

NORD'N'COMMANDER "Hermeneutics" (2004)


There are oak-woods in depth of illimitable forests.
Caves and cliffy cloughs seem to be the lowest.
You can feel their real height. But no "now", no "sometimes".
The World-out-of-time is casting shadow lines.
The staircase between all your bodies can be recognized in this clime.

The beauty of Ancient Earth land, Moon land and Venus land...
Take yourself by the throat or may be you can't.
Remember that somewhere Druids are cutting out the Heart of White Bull.
The act of self-sacrifice. You have to carry out this rule.
The staircase between all your bodies can be recognized. In full.

Somebody's visage is the visage of Moon.
Being attracted with chains of dreams,
Being attracted with chains of gloom,
My visage is the visage of gleam.

Omen of glamour
Is glinting me in the dark.
Madness of eternal Never
Is stark.

There are oak-woods in depth of illimitable forests.
Caves and cliffy cloughs seem to be the lowest.
Remember that somewhere Druids are cutting out the Heart of White Bull.
The act of self-sacrifice. You have to carry out this rule.

Your visage is the visage of Moon.
Attracted with chains of dreams,
Attracted with chains of gloom,
My visage is the visage of gleam.

Omen of glamour
Is glinting me in the dark.
Madness of eternal Never
Is stark.

The staircase-in-between...
The omen I'm in...
The madness in the dark
Is stark.

Die Welt-ausser-Zeit wirft einen Schatten.
Die Treppe unter allen deinen Koerpern ist erkannt.
Eine Akte der Selbstaufopferung...
Omen... Wahnsinn... Vorzeichen...




 ïîëóìðàêå - êàïèùå.
ßçûêè ïëàìåíè âçäûìàþòñÿ ââåðõ.
Íà ìîèõ çðà÷êàõ - îòðàæåíèÿ ñëîâ...

In twilight there is Ritual Circle with Fire.
Bodies of flame are wallowing higher and higher.
Who is it? An elder in white.
Whirlwind of his energetics is ascending in cold light.

Spirals are rising upwards.
On pupils there is reflection of Words.
Druid belongs to Pure Blood.
He must be ocean-wide.

He has not only to perfect his own nature,
But insoul all environmental creature.
Wisdom in this world must be with sword,
But before it should become Wisdom and its own Lord.

Is it necessary to be severe?
Otherwise it's impossible to be here.
Middlebrows and other objects about us
Are very cruel because they ask
And demand benediction
Without necessity and their own position.
It is an attribute of internal failure.
A real sage doesn't require any more favour.

A falcon has straightened wings...
Clicking and crashing above eyebrows...
I'm throwing pupils into fire...
The flame is taking the form of sword.

A falcon has straightened wings...
Clicking and crashing above eyebrows...
I'm throwing pupils into fire...
There's the Mage in the sword.

The Words are breathing inside,
Penetrating into Space of Night.


I'm waiting for last breath of glacial eternal Midday
in twilight of split of worlds.
My spirit is being frozen much more,
Admiring creations of moons every Midnight.

In the moments of lifeless time running out,
In the moments of lifeless time running out,
Endless Loneness is the Altar for slaughter of doubts...

Mein Atem ist eiskalter ewiger Mittag.
Ich ergoetze sich an Schaffen von Mond Nacht fuer Nacht.
Endlose Einsamkeit ist der Altar
fuer die Ritualvernichtung der Zweifel.

ß îæèäàþ â ñóìåðêàõ òðåùèí ìèðîâ
Ïîñëåäíåå äûõàíèå ñòóäåíîãî âå÷íîãî Ïîëäíÿ.
Ìîé äóõ îñòûâàåò ñèëüíåå,
Ëþáóÿñü òâîð÷åñòâîì ëóí êàæäóþ Ïîëíî÷ü.

 ìîìåíòû áåçæèçíåííîãî èñòå÷åíèÿ âðåìåíè
Áåñêîíå÷íîå Îäèíî÷åñòâî åñòü Àëòàðü äëÿ çàêëàíèÿ ñîìíåíèé...

 ìîìåíòû áåçæèçíåííîãî èñòå÷åíèÿ âðåìåíè
Áåñêîíå÷íîå Îäèíî÷åñòâî åñòü Àëòàðü äëÿ çàêëàíèÿ ñîìíåíèé...

Maðr er manns gaman
ok moldar auki
ok skipa skreytir.

Yr er bendr bogi
ok brotgjarnt jarn
ok fifu farbauti.

Hagall er kaldakorn
ok krapadrifa
ok snaka sott.


There are no alive people among the dying.
Come here! Inward feat can save you from the lying.
Beams of your destiny are symbols and spheres.
The Riverbed of Ur-Eternal Anima will destroy atoms of fears.

Áîãà ñëåä, èäóùåãî ãäå-òî...
Ìàëàÿ-áîëüøàÿ òåíü íà ëóíå.

Only far from everything one can think over the All.
Only far from everybody one can stop being a doll.
Come here! The bloody eye of Bloodtruth will make you prove
If you can feel a real frenzy. Moving-without-move.

When you come back, if you can come back,
Footprints of yours will draw a new map - True Track.
This track through the Wasteland will become the realest Archetype.
Your Thoughts will be recognized by Stone, Dark and Ur-Eternal Light.

A trace of God stepping somewhere...
Is darkling shadow on Luna.


We are mounting to the Abyss of boiling Blood
Through the stain, which has curdled in Space.
From the fifth heaven and lower it's too hard,
But we already see the Window where Aether is based.

It seems, that the brain is being dismembered
Through the stain, which has curdled in Space.
I'm sure it's our illusion at present.
This world is choking on our Race.

And that we are again mounting
Through the stain, which has curdled in Space.
Whispers to us, that we are uniting
In the world where Aether will face.

Ïîäíèìàåìñÿ ê áåçäíå âñêèïàþùåé Êðîâè
×åðåç çàñòûâøåå â Êîñìîñå ïÿòíî.
Îò ïÿòîãî íåáà è íèæå - îêîâû,
Íî ìû óæå âèäèì Îêíî.

Êàæåòñÿ, ÷òî ìîçã ðàçðûâàåòñÿ
×åðåç çàñòûâøåå â Êîñìîñå ïÿòíî.
Íî íàì ýòî òîëüêî êàæåòñÿ:
Ìèð ïîïåðõíóëñÿ íàìè äàâíî.

È òî, ÷òî ìû ñíîâà ïîäíèìàåìñÿ
×åðåç çàñòûâøåå â Êîñìîñå ïÿòíî,
Øåï÷åò íàì, ÷òî ìû ñîåäèíÿåìñÿ
Ñ ìèðîì, ãäå ïðàâèò Îíî.

Dieser Abgrund ist der Behaelter fuer unseres Blut.
Das ist das Gehirn unserer Rasse...
Der Fleck existiert tatsaechlich...
Aufkochendes Blut... aufkochendes Gehirn... aufkochender Aether...


Silvan ghosts come with motion of grass,
Underground spirits rush by stinking heat around.
I'm in the Circle. Four quarters of the globe are aflame, showing the pass.
But Essence understands its fear, and the bark is not aground.

I cognize transcendent souls, twilight horns are filled
With soma. The roads are open before me indeed.
The body of mine is the solar temple.
Those who measured hours are not prevailing.
Those who wanted retrospective courses to be assembled...

Very soon my ashes will be brought to water along dawning pathway.
From night darkness I'll come initiated into Mystery of Moon.
Twilight will dissect the flesh for fire everywhere, my fate hangs in the scale.
On spiral stairs I'm coming through the doom.

My mistress of the ferry
Is extending a hand with my heart
To sparks of sacred waves,
My mistress of the ferry
Is burning down the forgotten dreams
And transforming the ashes of them into my Throne.

Ìîÿ ãîñïîæà ëàäüè
Òÿíåò ðóêó ñ ñåðäöåì ìîèì
Ê áðûçãàì ñâÿùåííûõ âîëí.
Ìîÿ ãîñïîæà ëàäüè
Ñæèãàåò çàáûòûå ñíû,
À ïåïåë èç íèõ ïðåâðàùàåò â ìîé Òðîí.


I am slowly drifting into sleep, drifting into pessimism and into war.
The great war with myself which has never been before.

The movement of continents is conquering my mind and soul.
Trying to recognize the role of these continents and my personal role.

What is it? Reincarnation or may be breaking of life and death at all?
Trying to dismiss hesitations and follow Not-Being call.

I am being benighted.
I'll never be enlighted.

Schlaff in allem...


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