Spear Aftersounds" (2001)
(Blackened Metal / Archaic Folk)
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NORD'N'COMMANDER "Sacred Spear Aftersounds" (2001)
The soul has risen from furnace of dreams.
The soul has passed the Gate of the charms.
I'm feeling aftersounds and eye-beams,
Spellbinding me. Sirens, to arms!
The Sacred Spear has run my body through.
An edge of bridge is this stair. And all clear.
The fluid water's too flamy to be true.
It's leading forwards me. Already there's no fear.
I am a man among these worldly people,
I'm an unearthly shade amid those ghosts.
Amid the thoughts I'm splinter of the ripple,
That levels night and day and heavenly hosts.
Es ist von Licht nicht, es ist von Dunkel nicht
Wait for me, I am here again in your lives.
I'm just here in your run-down souls.
Sun of Valkyries and your mystic knife.
In this desert I'm the water-hole.
But just now the door to your souls is stiff.
Can't you see, there are the hard rays?
And my soul is only end-leaf
In the secret Book of Space-ways.
I'm the Atlas of all Cosmic-fords.
My life is broken rest.
But some day I'll take you to Gods,
Who wracked this warmth in my chest.
I am swimming today in the spray
Of the Lake, that is full of your blood and tears.
I will not decline my head all the way,
Though I see horse-load of spears.
But I know, that our fight
Is able to destroy this clock-face...
The Nightplanet is calling us with its light,
With asteriated beams from deep Space.
Fizzing up ominously
And becking
The wheel is moving with majesty,
Power and a fiery decking.
Ill burn away all people from my past,
As the sun burns away the mist.
And Ill be faithful to the last
To the destroying of this black list.
Ill tie them with the rope of fate,
Unfetter myself, liberate myself.
Let oaks lauph at their deplorable state.
Oaks and elves.
Ill plaster my eyelids with their ashes.
The past will go away.
My mind will be free of slashes.
New silence... New night. And new Way!
Fizzing up ominously
And becking
The wheel is moving with majesty,
Power and a fiery decking.
Wartend auf die Sonne, er hat das Licht in "Selbst".
Wartend auf den Vollmond, er fuehlt das Dunkel gut.
Der Tropfen unsers Blutes tragt den neuen hellen Mensch.
Er zerhaut Nacht, toetet Uebermut.
Fizzing up ominously
And becking
The wheel is moving with majesty,
Power and a fiery decking.
When dust devil comes and sees me in my room,
And dragons take their adipose back,
About it will be all gloom and doom,
And this doom will put us on the awful rack.
But He'll appeare, God the Forestborn,
With wood-spirits, sprites and silvans cheek by jowl.
We are strangers there and we are too way-worn
In civilization of air full of foul.
He will gift us with his garment of green
And get bloody nails out of the hands.
The charge nurs-tree will cure all the teens
Not in a funny-house, but in nectarous elf-lands.
The magnetism of urbanization
's in the situation of degeneration...
But he'll appeare, God the Forestborn,
With wood-spirits, sprites and silvans cheek by jowl.
We are strangers there and we are too way-worn
In civilization of air full of foul.
Die auf der Wand und dem Galgen haengenden Ego-Angesichte
sind identisch, aber ihr Wesen ist verschieden.
Diese Angesichte haben die gesellschaftliche Arbeit bekommen, das Zeugnis
vom Ich-Tod aufzumachen.
Das gekaufte Bewusstsein befreit sich nicht aus der Folterkammerfinsternis.
Vielleicht, niemals?
Die Masken aus Schleim sind lebendig... oder nicht?!
Die Fuehler-Kerzen oeffnen sich.
Die inneren Faeden unseres Wesentliches sind entzuendet.
Das ist die Absicht, und die Angesichte sind tot.
Der Koenig und die Koenigin gehen nacheinander auf den Trugschluss Innenloesung
nicht mehr.
Sie sind zusammen fuer immer.
Warrior, hidden under the sacred mask,
God of ecstasy, maddening God,
I attempt an arduous task to ask
You about my Way, about my Threshold.
The honey of poesy was got by you.
Youre the Lord of runes and the Valkyries master.
I could bank on it being true,
When I was poised on the brink of disaster.
You immolate yourself for the magic Knowledge.
Wolves and ravens are yours, oh bard!
I think all is dangerously near the edge.
Memory, reason, will and Asgard.
I realize, my fears have grown dim.
I am going to the North with Him.
Твоё блаженство это кровь моих ран.
Ты истребляешь себя по частям.
Теперь с тобою лишь кровавый обман.
А тот, кто с ним, сожрёт себя сам.
Nothing less than madness, casting a cloud...
Im putting a light to the occult lamp.
But I feel myself amid the noise of the crowd.
Oh where is my amp?
Was heist Blutschnitt?
Du liesst zur Ader Blut.
Das ist ein Maerchenuebertritt.
Die Vene fuehlt sich gut.
There were too many morning-evening stars.
Things came to a strange, serious pass.
The common horoscope didnt carry the day.
Who determines this lunatic false crazy way?
An angel brought an easy triumph for me.
A demon reduced it to an absurdity.
My sorrows are locked in my own bosom.
So are yours. Were together lose on
Divine and hellish points.
Was heist Blutschnitt?
Du liesst zur Ader Blut.
Das ist ein Maerchenuebertritt.
Die Vene fuehlt sich gut.
An angel brought an easy triumph for me.
A demon reduced it to an absurdity.
My sorrows are locked in my own bosom.
So are yours. Were together lose on
Divine and hellish points.
No light. Eternity is sleeping.
Its the land where we shall sleep.
In this world we all are something creeping.
But what I have won I intend to keep.
Sometimes I can live with cosmic radiation.
When and where I decide by toss.
It leads to creation, to domination.
The tenth avatar is ahorse.
Now he expresses his free will with birds in flight.
Hell cosmeticize with vacuum a light-beam mesh.
At the end of time
under cloud of his night,
under cover of his fight,
as the sign of the Great Light
Hell descry the Seventh Sun. Its Sonnenmensch.
And I try to live man's life is frail
Or want to dissolve myself in earth.
These attempts are morally bound to fail.
And then Ill announce my new birth.
Ill also express my free will with birds in flight.
Ill cosmeticize with vacuum a light-beam mesh.
At the end of time
under cloud of my night,
under cover of my fight,
as the sign of the Great Light
Ill descry the Seventh Sun. Its Sonnenmensch.